Monday, April 12, 2010

Wah! There's a baby in my tummy!

I still can't believe there is a little life growing inside me. You think the morning sickness(which I truly believe they should change the name to something    more suitable such as sudden, anywhere, anytime sickness: SAAS for short) would make me a believer, but it still hasn't sunk in yet. So I figured I would make this blog for my friends and family who are too far away to know how I am doing. I am not sure how often I will update, but I will try to write as often as I can. :D So of course what you have all been waiting for, baby's picture! Here in Japan they take a sonogram every time you go to the doctor. Here the little critter is 9 weeks, and instead looking anything like a human, it looks more like a bean! :P Not complaining even beans are cute when they are inside your belly! <3 Oh, in case you can't figure out what's baby and what's not, the baby is in between the plus signs. The head is on the bottom. I think here the baby is around 6 or 7 centimeters. Tiny little bean!     
Masaki(soon to be husband!) has been great, he comes with me to every doctor's visit. Which makes me feel more relaxed, especially since the receptionists aren't all that great. I love my doctor and the nurses, they are all wonderful. They take the time to explain things to me, listen to my questions, and even speak in English sometimes. But reception is a nightmare, that's where Masaki comes in, he always takes care of that stuff for me. Such a sweetie. He tells me my job is to eat, sleep, and relax and he will take care of everything else. Right now, I am super spoiled and of course super lucky to have such a great guy! :D


Chrissy said...

Yes, beans are very cute, especially in Mommy's tummy!!
Jen, I've always known you'd be a great mother; you're wonderful and loving with children.
I'm just sorry about your morning sickness - it sounds absolutely dreadful!
How about cravings, are you having any yet?

Mitsuki said...

Awww, thank you Chrissy! I have had lots of cravings. And the doctors tell you to eat what you crave and that will help the morning sickness. So far, I have craved McDonald's cheeseburgers, lasagna, english muffins, chocolate ice cream sundaes, and melon soda. The melon soda was definitely the baby, the rest of the stuff I craved I like so it wasn't strange. But since I don't really drink soda it was really strange telling Masaki I want melon soda! :P He was just as surprised as I was!