Tuesday, April 13, 2010

House Hunting!

In all this crazy preggerness, I realized my apartment is too small for a baby and all the stuff the baby needs! I had a little breakdown and told Masaki we need to move, which when I first found out I was pregnant I was like "Oh, we can totally live in the apartment for like 1 year!" And he so sweetly said, "Ok, let's move." and started looking for houses around here. I thought it would take more convincing, but it didn't. Maybe I was just looking for a fight, who knows. :P Anyway, houses here are super expensive, and many very small. But we managed to find two we like so far. Of course we are still looking. I took about 10 videos of every house we saw last weekend, 10 VERY BAD videos. I made the mistake of taking the video while I was still looking at the house for the first time. Basically it is like a roller coaster ride, and when it's finished you are not sure whether you are going to be sick or not! I posted the video on YouTube, may take a while to actually be posted, but check it out when and if you have the chance. :P Here's the link to my YouTube page.

Well, I think that is enough to keep ya busy for a bit! Enjoy!


Unknown said...

I'll take a look at the video. Hope you have find something in your budget. Maybe you can rent a larger apt and some storage space to get you the room you need. Meanwhile enjoy being cozy...

Mitsuki said...

Well, unfortunately, getting a bigger apartment will cost the same as paying off a loan on a house. Sad but true, there aren't really big apartments here, the one we are in is pretty big for Japan. The next step up from this is what they call a mansion here. Which is the same price as a house!!! It's crazy! Although the interest rate for loans here is really low. We are talking like 1.8%! I was surprised by that! But we are still looking for a good place. Don't get too sick watching the video!